Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Biking, birthdays, High Peaks and more!

I wish I could record all of my thoughts from my bike rides, because I always think of lots of stuff to write about. But, of course, I forget it all by the time I get home. I'm waiting til later to go on a bike ride. Badge says he wants to go for a ride after work. So we're going after work.

Speaking of work, I think I'm starting to feel the effects of this isolation during the day when he's gone. No car. No humans. Just the little fuzzy children. I may be going crazy.

Yesterday's bike ride was brutal. I think I made it in 42 or 43 minutes each way, which is average for me. But I felt like garbage pretty much the whole way. I think it's the heat and humidity. I wanted to give up and walk twice; once on the hill to the 149 bridge on the way to Lake George and once on the hill to Magic Forest on the way home. That is insane talk. I've ridden the bike trail 7 times in the last 9 days. There is no reason I should have to give up and walk. Actually I'd never do that because I'd be too embarrassed if anyone saw me.

I kept up my pace and, as usual, passed a few people twice. I passed them on my way to Lake George and again on my way home. That's always a good feeling for me. Not so much for them, I'm sure. Yesterday I was about to pass this man for the second time on my way home, but I couldn't for some reason. It was the oddest thing. I kept catching up to him and then he'd zoom on ahead. Well, he had a rear view mirror on his handlebars, so he must've seen me coming and didn't want me to pass him. I think he finally got tuckered out because I passed him and never saw him behind me again. He totally dropped off the radar. Obviously if I'm about to pass you for the second time you're not going to be able to keep up with me! I'm not trying to brag, but I do most of the passing. I've only been passed a couple of times by road bikers. They're always so super fast!

However, I read this article yesterday about a guy who won a road race on a mountain bike! Hooray! :) Everyone made fun of him at the beginning, thinking he'd never make it. I bet they were embarrassed when he won! Too awesome.

My sister's birthday is today and she wants to go to El Mexicano for dinner. I'm freaking out, as usual, at the thought of going out to eat. This area is not vegan-friendly at all. I'm going to call later to find out if they can make us something vegan, but I have such trouble trusting people to know what is vegan and what is not. I was blown away the first time I saw the list of animal byproducts. It's a lot to know and I would never expect a non-vegan to have that great a grasp on it. I guess I'll see what they say. We can always eat at home and just go to hang out.

Now onto the delicious food I made yesterday! It really was a successful day.

First I made Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. I used the recipe from chooseveg .com, but tweaked it a little. Obviously I added chocolate chips...

(...and I have a confession to make... they're most likely not vegan choc chips. They're leftovers from our pre-vegan days. We said we were going to use up what we had rather than waste anything. Well, the chocolate chips were slow to go and I don't have the original packaging, but I assume that they aren't vegan. But don't worry, I'd never offer something that wasn't totally vegan to another vegan! And now you're thinking, if I'm making non-vegan cookies, why am I worried about eating something non-vegan by accident at a restaurant. Well, that's just where I draw my line. I believe that we all need to decide where our own personal lines are drawn).

Anyway, so I added chocolate chips because I was craving PB and chocolate. Also, my dough didn't come out doughy at all. It was more crumbly that anything and wouldn't form into balls, so I added somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 cup of water. Not sure what I did wrong... Maybe because I used 1 cup of whole wheat flour and 1/2 cup white flour? Not sure.

They came out great though! So yummy! Not too sweet either. I had two this morning for breakfast. Oops! :)

Don't they look delish?!?

Then it was time to make dinner. I decided on Spicy Tempeh and Broccoli Rabe with Rotelle from Veganomicon, which incidentally was a good-bye gift when I left my job. It's been a month already! Time sure flies!

Anyway, I didn't have broccoli rabe, in fact I've never had it! So I was going to use broccoli, until I took it out of the fridge and it had gone bad! What? Yes, it went bad. Broccoli never has time to go bad in this apartment! For shame...

Soooooo, I decided to use cauliflower. Yes, the cauliflower was still good and so delicious!

I thought I was getting better at taking food pictures, but obviously this one came out weird. Oh well. Can't you still see the yumminess?

It was super spicy! We also thought it kind of tasted like pepperoni but we decided it must be the fennel. But I loved it! I've been looking for more tempeh recipes besides our old standby Tempeh Toss. This was so good. I had a craving for pasta last night, but didn't want to make the usual tomato sauce. I'm going to try this with all different kinds of veggies next time. I seriously recommend getting this cookbook. It's totally fab!

Today's task: granola bars. We're trying to plan a trip up to the High Peaks to climb Giant Mountain. It'll be our 6th peak. We haven't been up there since climbing Mt. Marcy in April. I miss it so much.

Here's me on top of Mt. Marcy, the highest peak in New York State:

You can't really tell anything from this picture. It was snowing and windy and yes, those are the clouds you see all around me. Supposedly you can see 44 of the other 45 High Peaks from the summit, but we couldn't see any due to the nasty weather. So sad. Also, Badge is afraid of heights so he took this picture sitting down a little lower on the summit. I'm very proud of him for making it though since he wanted to turn around more than once. It was definitely a little bit scary!

So, anyway, I want to try making granola bars because they'll be good snacks for the trip! Wish me luck!

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