Sunday, August 02, 2009

Buck Mtn and Taco Salad

Today I finally conquered Buck Mountain. We attempted this hike on New Year's Day using snow shoes, but my stomach was so full of Taco Bell (my pre-vegan days) that I couldn't make it. I felt disgusting and thought I'd barf if we kept going. So we went back home to save it for another day.

Today was the day. Finally! It was super steep in some places, but the views from the top were great! It was really windy when we got higher up and it poured the entire way down. But we did get to see a deer when we were signing out at the trailhead! What a day

That's the whole bunch of us! It was great. I hadn't been hiking since Mt Marcy way back in April! I missed it so much. We were going just about every weekend for a while. I just love being in the mountains and it's such a great feeling when you finally get to the top!

We were ravenous when we got home! I decided to make something simple, so I went with a new twist on one of our old favorites... taco salad! Usually this includes lettuce, Amy's Organic Low Sodium Refried Black Beans (my all time fave!), peppers, tomatoes (for Pat only... I don't do tomatoes) and taco sauce. But today I added quinoa. I love the stuff. And it was delicious in the salads! Gave them a really neat texture, too!

I plan to post updates with all of my hikes and fabulous vegan food here. I may post some updates with past hikes and food, too, depending on my mood. :)

That's all for now. Pardon my updates if they're a little, well, awkward for a while. I'll get better at all of this! I promise!

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